Sunday, February 3, 2013

Kindles, audiobooks, and paperbacks, oh my!

We have interrupted your previously scheduled reviews to bring you this small pontification.

Not only are there a ton of great teen lit books out there, but there are so many different ways to read them!
I just got chills.

For example, you can pick up a book at the nearest bookstore for a good price, trade old books at used book stores, or borrow them from your local library!

Kindles, and other types of e-books, have been rising in popularity. While they can be fairly expensive, a lot of people find that it is worth the price for the convenience. Hundred of pages in the palm of your hand, with much more ease and maneuverability than a bagful of paperbacks.

Personally, I'm old school. The weight of a book in the palm of my hand is comforting, even if it is a pain to lug around. Plus, if I had to pick between the something that costs hundreds of dollars and something that is free? I'll pick the free one everytime.

Audiobooks are something of a gray area. They work really well in situations where you are using your hands, but still want to exercise your mind. Cooking, working out, driving? These tasks can all benefit from popping in a book on tape (er... mp3?). Sure, you're chopping celery, but you are also listening to how Mr. Rochester has disguised himself in women's clothing and Jane Eyre is not quite as bothered about this as she should be. I've been listening to Frankenstein on my walk to school, and I am halfway done!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I forgot to mention (bad blogger, shame on me), check out: It is a website that lets you download audiobooks that are in the public domain, for free!! It is where I got both Jane Eyre, and Frankenstein.


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