Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Key to the Golden Firebird by Maureen Johnson: A Review

“Sometimes I feel like I've been waiting for someone to tell me when I can be normal again,' she said. 'I keep thinking I'll get a letter. Or a call. When does it happen?'
The Key to the Golden Firebird by Maureen Johnson

Hi there! My name is Allison and this is a guest post. You can check out my college advice blog

here: http://adviceforthealmostadult.blogspot.com

First off: I LOVED this book! It’s been almost three years since I read it and it’s still near the top of my list of all-time favorite books. Maureen Johnson just published her tenth novel last month, but this
was her first, and in my opinion her best (though I’ve only read about five of her other works). Johnson is an interesting writer because her novels span from realistic, to magical, to adventurous, to supernatural thriller. I definitely suggest checking her out if you haven’t already, there is bound to be something you like.

It’s difficult to review this book without spoilers, so forgive me if it seems rather vague. The book focuses on the three Gold sisters and how their lives change after a tragic event. Their three reactions to their grief are strikingly distinct, and yet each is wholly believable. One sister becomes withdrawn, one starts drinking heavily, and the other feels the pressures to take care of everyone else.The sisters are not always loveable, but they are always understandable.

My favorite thing about this book was how real it seemed. The events of the novel could certainly happen in real life, but more importantly, the characters were the most believable representation of real people that I’ve ever come across in a book.

This book was realistic while also being entertaining and fully grabbing my attention from page one with a captivating storyline. It explored very serious subjects, but Johnson’s wonderful sense of humor saved the novel from becoming too dark.

For me at least, this book was the whole package and then some. It made me laugh and cry and think and cry some more. I would recommend this book to anyone, and I’ll definitely be rereading it when I get time.

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