You think you know your possibilities.
Then other people come into your life
and suddenly there are so many more.
The Realm of Possibility, by David Levithan
I could spend the rest of my life talking about how amazing this book is and why everyone should read it. Summarizing all those feelings into one blog post? Easily one of the hardest things I've had to do since... at least last week.
Let us begin.
The Realm of Possibility is a poetry book. Rather than one main story, the book is divided into five parts, and each part has four different narrators with their own story and their own poetry style. So, you are essentially getting a glimpse into the thoughts of twenty different characters.
And there is overlap! Mary from chapter one is dating Pete from chapter three, etc.
Everyone has a different poetry style, which strengthens the narrative voice. For example, Jill has short non-rhyming couplets which help convey her seeming cruelty in stark simpleness. Charlotte's poem is one big, overwhelming block.
The poetry is brilliant.
Huge chunks of it that I wish I could inhale.
Lines that I want to carry in my heart always:
"Lord, give me the strength to fight unkindess.
I will not abide it.
I will not abide."
Little pieces I want to give away like presents: "you will always be my always".
Each person gives a little glimpse of who they are. The themes include depression, bullying, eating disorders, drug use, grieving, and relationships. I use "relationships" because the relative vagueness of the term is the best fit. There are straight and gay relationships, new romantic encounters, a dash of pining, siblings, and remarkable friendships.
This book is about connections- how each character connects and relates to one another, in situations that we can relate to, and written on in beautiful poetry.
"Moments into minutes.
Minutes into hours.
Hours into days.
Days into years.
Years into possibility.
This will linger."
Awesome showcase so far! These books are already on my to-reads list and now I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteYay! Thank you so much! If you have any suggestions for future reviews, let me know :)
ReplyDeleteGreat reviews!
ReplyDeleteKinda makes me want to read this book....and I'm not a Young Adult genre fan. Good Job!
ReplyDeleteThank you! You'll have to let me know what you think :)